CGI Render of 3d artwork of a girl with beautiful eyes wearing 3d jewelry by ParallaxCreates

Creativity vs The Nile River

She carries a very important message. Creativity is just like the Nile River, it has brought beauty and health into the lives of countless beings throughout the centuries. The Nile River is a source of life, Creativity is also a source of life be it through the creation of medicine or a delicious meal that satiates a family.

For centuries Creativity has breathed life into the fields of existence. Art is one of the most personal children of Creativity. Through art we can share our dreams or fears, heal or hurt. The Nile River has brought beauty to the world around it but can also be dangerous to for the unwary. The Nile can heal and can hurt as it speaks in volumes without a single word being spoken.


Creativity has supported life and emotion for hundreds of years just as the Nile has. 

CGI Render of 3d artwork of a girl with beautiful eyes wearing 3d jewelry by ParallaxCreates

Creation builds the bridges between nations and the history between past and present. Creativity flows forward carrying the waking eye of the future. Art alleviates the mind as it disperses the ideas of an artist. Art cures the soul of a dreamer as they imagine the unattainable. The tides of Creativity carry the burdens of humankind. You can set sail across the tides of Creativity where Art is the beginning of your next adventure.

As you can see, Creativity and the Nile River are no different from one another.

Thank you for reading,

Parallax ~


Artist Note: None of my work is AI assisted. I have been professionally 3d modeling, texturing and rigging assets for over a decade through dedication, self discipline and hardwork. Because of this, I ask that none of my artwork be used to train AI Image Generators or be used in “Image to Image” AI Image Generators or any “Interrogate” features. My stance on AI is simple, the beauty of art lies within its creative process, dedication, hardwork and discipline. The end result is the fruit of one’s dedication to creation. For more information please refer to the Terms and Conditions of this Website here.