Indigo Crystals is a character that plays a major role in my fictional story “Zenathon”. A story that I will tell via words and art via this website, soon™.
Indigo Crystals is the mother of this 3D Artwork gallery. I spent two weeks designing, 3D Modeling and Texturing the props and sets you see in this gallery.
I also do my own CGI lighting. It’s another aspect of the 3D pipeline that I enjoy. The render times varied but most of the 3D scenes took an hour and a half due to the reflective surfaces.
The idea of this gallery was to create small 3D worlds that complimented each of my character’s personalities. If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that some have alter egos.
I had lots of fun 3D Modeling, Texturing and conceptualizing the 3D Artwork in this gallery. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
The spherical robot is “Jack”. I designed, 3D Modeled and textured him as well. He is also an original character within the Zenathon story. You’ll see more of him soon enough!
Through art we can share our dreams or fears, even heal or feel pain. Through art I share beauty.
All skill, all passion, all discipline. This is over a decade’s worth of my need to design and 3d model gorgeous jewelry and props. The women you see here are mine too, all made of polygons.
There is no post work in my renders either, it’s literally only spot lights, emissive surfaces and hdris that I light my scenes with. If I can make you see what I see in the purpose of creating complex beauty, then I have succeeded.
I created the art within the Dark Prince Collections Gallery between the years 2011 – 2015. Though I have learned so much regarding 3d Modeling in every aspect since, this era of my art is dear to my heart.
Some of the 3D Jewelry you see in this very gallery is actually the first pieces I ever created. Many of the characters here have evolved because I have learned so much over the last 12 years.
I am always learning new techniques and new software so I can not only create more beautiful art but to also take my skills into the CGI industry professionally. This is why I work hard towards staying ahead of the technological curve. You never want to be left behind, that is why self education is crucial.
Thanks for viewing The Dolls as I used to call them back then, I hope you loved them.
Peace ~
Year 2024
Year 2025